Sardinia Farm Is Speluncas for sale

Is Speluncas

Farm for sale in Sardinia more business opportunities, spread over an area of ​​240 hectares.

Farm informations

property: means any natural person
Location: in the common area Sarcidano Laconi and Nurallao (CA)
Access: completely paved municipal road
distance from Sanluri: 45 km
90 km away from Cagliari
farm land: 240 ha
use: 20 ha olive trees, 50 ha land, 170 ha pasture woodland.
buildings: the main house, barn, stables for sheep / goat, pig sows per 100 full-cycle, slaughterhouse, workshop and tool shed.
animals: 80 beef cows and 30 pigs in the wild
machines: 1 wheeled tractor, 1 bulldozer, 1 crawler excavator  

1 year license for hunting and Agroturismovenatorio.
spring waters: 8 sources
streams: 1
artesian wells: 1

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